Sterling: From Page to Stage

Originally appeared on the Arden Theatre blog, 2016!


Last April, when the Arden announced it was producing Two Trains Running, I was immediately interested.  I designed the costumes for another August Wilson play,The Piano Lesson, in 2008 and loved how the words transported us all to a different time and yet at the same time presented the characters’ struggles in a universal way.  One of the benefits to holding a staff position as the Arden’s Costume Supervisor is I get to throw my hat in the ring early. 

South Philly Review "Material Girl"

Originally appeared in the South Philly Review, 2004. 

"Not every cos­tume is made from scratch. Some­times Roberts can find a suit or dress that will work for a par­tic­u­lar pro­duc­tion. But even then, she has to put to­geth­er the full en­semble, in­clud­ing ac­cessor­ies, jew­elry and shoes. “Everything the act­or wears is our re­spons­ib­il­ity,” she ex­plains."

Click here to read more! 


Arden Theater "Top Ten"

Originally appeared on the Arden Theater blog, March 2011. 


 I asked the Arden’s Costume Supervisor, Alison Roberts, to choose her “Arden Top 10”.  Alison and I both started the 2000-2001 Season.  I started as an Arden Professional Apprentice (Class 8 for all you alums out there) and Alison has held the Costume Supervisor position since 2000.  While my involvement with Arden productions has been in many different capacities over the years, she has built costumes for 70 Arden productions to date.  That’s a lot of clothing!  In her 10 ½ years at the Arden, she has only missed 2 productions (Loot and Winesburg, Ohio).  Those 2 absences must be excused though because they brought us Max Perlman, the intelligent and well spoken 5½ year old son of Alison and our Technical Director, Glenn Perlman. 

Click here to read more! 

Fighting For Democracy

Here's an awesome interview I did with the folks behind the National Constitution Center's Fighting For Democracy.